Saturday, October 26, 2013

Day 13 -- Groomers

Ubu went to the groomers and now we know what his eyes look like!

The groomer did a light trim around his face, feet, and bum.

She recommends this every six weeks.

And every 6 months shaving it all down.

She said he was really wiggly for his face trim. She recommended we handle his face a lot to get him use to it.

This is similar to what we did with his feet, ears, etc. I touch his face and give him a treat. When he gets comfortable with that, I'll try moving an object by his face (like clippers) and give him a treat.

That way she can get a better trim on his face and he is less stressed.

And, by the way, he weighed 20 pounds. He's catching up to the big kids.

And he looks pretty cute.

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